Really appreciate this message, Adam. We have far more agency than many seem to realize - including or especially through seemingly small, everyday choices.

Also, this cannot be overstated: "Focus on your physical health through proper diet, good sleep and regular exercise." For me, that’s an essential starting place - and it’s also an area where many seem to have relinquished and even forgotten their agency (often as part of a pattern of addiction and denial).

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The Holy Trinity of wellness.

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Thank you for sharing, Dana.

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Spot on!!!! ❤️⭐️🙌🏻

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Hey thank you, Lady.

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Adam, how did you find sobriety from your addictions?

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Hi Mayra. That’s a big question. It’s so big I can only deliver the answers piecemeal in my weekly articles. There’s one arriving today called ‘Omnia Vincit Amor’ that contains some of the answers that I hope you’ll find helpful. And there’ll be more to follow.

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Thanks for this post!

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Jul 27Liked by Adam PT

Nods vigorously!

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I vigorously thank you for reading and subscribing, Love.

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Very good piece,

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you’re right.” - Henry Ford

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Great stuff here Adam ❤️ Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for reading , Maggie.

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Of course! This is great ❤️

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