Really appreciate this message, Adam. We have far more agency than many seem to realize - including or especially through seemingly small, everyday choices.
Also, this cannot be overstated: "Focus on your physical health through proper diet, good sleep and regular exercise." For me, that’s an essential starting place - and it’s also an area where many seem to have relinquished and even forgotten their agency (often as part of a pattern of addiction and denial).
I missed this particular section previously and so pleased I returned to read the whole article again.
Adam, I have so much respect for the mindset you have. The courage it has taken to make so many changes. A man of such influence for others. Young people, struggling, which I've worked with, would benefit so much from your storey, of inner strength and pure determination, and how this could change their own lives. So my work continues.
Hi Mayra. That’s a big question. It’s so big I can only deliver the answers piecemeal in my weekly articles. There’s one arriving today called ‘Omnia Vincit Amor’ that contains some of the answers that I hope you’ll find helpful. And there’ll be more to follow.
Really appreciate this message, Adam. We have far more agency than many seem to realize - including or especially through seemingly small, everyday choices.
Also, this cannot be overstated: "Focus on your physical health through proper diet, good sleep and regular exercise." For me, that’s an essential starting place - and it’s also an area where many seem to have relinquished and even forgotten their agency (often as part of a pattern of addiction and denial).
The Holy Trinity of wellness.
Thank you for sharing, Dana.
I missed this particular section previously and so pleased I returned to read the whole article again.
Adam, I have so much respect for the mindset you have. The courage it has taken to make so many changes. A man of such influence for others. Young people, struggling, which I've worked with, would benefit so much from your storey, of inner strength and pure determination, and how this could change their own lives. So my work continues.
Thank you, once again.. So Proud to know you.
Debbie x🌟
Such kind words again Debbie! So glad I can help you help those you help.
Pleasure to be getting to know you too.
Adam, how did you find sobriety from your addictions?
Hi Mayra. That’s a big question. It’s so big I can only deliver the answers piecemeal in my weekly articles. There’s one arriving today called ‘Omnia Vincit Amor’ that contains some of the answers that I hope you’ll find helpful. And there’ll be more to follow.
Thanks for this post!
Nods vigorously!
I vigorously thank you for reading and subscribing, Love.
Very good piece,
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you’re right.” - Henry Ford
Great stuff here Adam ❤️ Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading , Maggie.
Of course! This is great ❤️
Hey thank you, Lady.