This is such a personal story , you choose to be vulnerable. It shows how someone can change their life for the better, even after big problems. I am glad to hear that you are sober, and reconnected with Danielle , that is amazing. Thanks for inspiring us with the essay Adam.

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Wow, thank you for your feedback, Tinashe. And the share! That's some heartwarming support.

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"It almost feels like I had to destroy myself to rebuild myself back up" - amen; I needed a bottom that helped me surrender and in turn gave me motivation to build back up.

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Thank you for reading, and your valued insights. I’m interested in the concept of surrendering. I don’t feel like I surrendered; more like I accepted total responsibility. And in doing so, only I had the power to reshape how my life went from here. But we both landed at a point of ‘this is final; it’s only upwards from here’. It’s interesting to hear the different flavours that people bring, thank you for sharing.

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YESS!! Seeing our emotions as natural, what a beautiful thing.

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It’s almost as if there’s some evolutionary reason why emotions exist.

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I loved reading this! You have overcome so much and choosing to be open and vulnerable in sharing your story is inspiring. And I’m glad to hear you have been reunited with your soulmate:)

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Thank you for your kindness, Darcy.

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Aug 30Liked by Adam PT

Congrats, Adam. You’re an inspiration and I hope to be as fortunate as you to reconnect with the love I lost due to my own addiction. It’s early, but I’m putting in the work to, hopefully, get to the same place as you. And even if it doesn’t happen, at least I’ll be sober, which is much better than what I was.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

Hi Nate. Thank you for your feedback. I hope to get across in the story that I had let her go, totally and completely. My sobriety was only for my own sake. I purely focused on buiding myself over time, with the sole intent of just that: building myself for myself.

Put the work in on yourself, and for yourself. Remember the saying, 'don't chase butterflies because they'll only fly away; mend you garden and the butterflies will come.' And if they don't, you still have a wonderful garden.

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Aug 30Liked by Adam PT

Oh yeah, the letting go part isn’t lost on me at all. Completely focused mending my garden. Lots of weeds to pull and seeds to plant.

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Haha that’s the one.

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deletedSep 4Liked by Adam PT
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Thank you so much, Dana. This beautiful story means the world to me. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and share your views.

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Woops. Sorry for deleting that Dana!

I deleted a restack that didn't go as planned, and that deleted the original comment too!

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