Congrats! Looks awesome man!!

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Thanks Cole. The pre-soft-launch checks are done. Now it’s a case of herding some cats.

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This is fabulous. What a wonderful goal you have Adam. This seems like a big step towards it.

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Thank you, Georgia. Things are taking motion in the right direction.

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It’s such a great feeling when we see things falling into place. 😊

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Congratulations on this huge step for Rehabitus!

Your vision of a supportive, respectful community for recovery is inspiring.

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Thank you, Tinashe. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

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Oh wow, this is EXCELLENT!!! Well done you 💪

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Thank you Maggie. My sheet is coming together.

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Hahaha nice one 😉

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Jul 25Liked by Adam PT

Well done Adam, keep up the good work.

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Thank you, James.

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I can smell beautiful taste of hard work in air - splendid.

Congratulations Adam,

Another step forward.

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Thanks, Warrior. It's preparation plus opportunity.

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If You gonna be prepared 365, no opportunity will be lost.

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That’s the one!

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Jul 25Liked by Adam PT

Brilliant news.

This is just the start.

Keep on my friend.

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Thank you, Katie.

Steady away, as they say.

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