I don't recall the exact quote but Richard Bach in "Illusions" had the Handbook for Reluctant Messiahs say that you can change the past.

Adam, I think you are a living example of that. We can't alter the physical events but we can revisit the emotions we attached to every event, especially the most harmful ones. Without taking away the anger and frustration those situations caused you, you've discovered some redeeming consolation that those events pushed you closer to who you have become now. You understand the compounding that was necessary that led you out of the world that had consumed you.

I admire you. I struggled to quit smoking cigarettes after 20 years. I can't fathom the energy and determination to do all you had done.

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Larry, I’m honoured to read your kindest words. What a privilege to have someone say something so kind.

And your point on revisiting that past, if only to feel a different emotion from it; to learn and perhaps rewrite a new emotion in the place of the painful one. What a wonderful idea. Maybe we can change the past after all. Great words, Larry. Thank you so much.

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Love this! Brilliant take on things 😊

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Thanks for reading, Jonny

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I suspect that if we corrected the mistakes we made back then we would have made different mistakes that probably would have taught us similar lessons. Lessons come from within with outside stimuli.

I think I might tell my younger self to look around and keep telling yourself what you see. That's who you are ... that's who you will be.

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Insightful hypothesis, Larry. Is your last paragraph part of a poem? Because it should be

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No. but if you feel so motivated, have at it.

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Dude. I've got another song for you... lol "Chop Wood, Carry Water" is a song I wrote to be the closing "celebratory recovery anthem" for my musical The Journey that I was sharing about in my last post with the song you commented on. It's all about what your'e talking about here.

"But it doesn't matter, I'm grateful for the past

That's what got me here, now I'm gonna make it last"

Here's the song video: https://youtu.be/gfXNry-SMZY

Keep up the great work!

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Woah, brilliant. Bit of rock n roll with Buddha

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Live at Buddhakan............... sorry I'll show myself out

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So true. Could you imagine the silly little puppy you’d be without all of life’s polishing and tempering?

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Ha. Good way of saying it. Thanks for reading, Tim

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I love this, and the letter to yourself. I also feel the same, wouldn’t change any of it as it’s made me the man I am today and the guy I’ll be in a year’s time.

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Glad it resonated, Ed.

Big respect. Thanks for reading.

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This is really powerful Adam. I feel the same as you. All that past pain has got me where I am today, to have a life I never dreamed was possible. If I hadn't gone through what I have, perhaps I would have spent my whole life just existing; just 'getting through'. But because of the pain, I underwent a transformation. I am grateful for it, like you. Thank you for sharing this.

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Glad you feel a similar sentiment, Ellie. It seems that the pain, and the awareness found from it, was instrumental in creating who we are today. Alive and aware instead of just existing. Thank you Ellie.

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Oct 24
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Nice one Mike. I thought I might put a spin on that particular thought exercise. It turned out writing to my present self just felt better. Thank you.

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