I wish there was a different word in English for ‘mistake’. When I was a kid, whenever I made a mistake/did something ‘wrong’ I was yelled at or shamed. Now I realise that so-called ‘mistakes’ are essential for learning anything and getting good at anything! My sobriety journey enabled me to really put this into practice -when I drank, instead of beating myself, I looked at it as (as Annie Grace calls it) a ‘data point’ - seeing what I could learn from it, what was illuminated by the ‘mistake’. Giving myself that grace and compassion was what enabled me to get sober - took me 20 months so I def didn’t get it ‘right’ first time! 😊

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‘Mistakes’ = ‘data points’ from now.

Thank you for your insights Ellie.

Isn’t life just so much better now? Even with data points.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Adam PT

Points for Carl Jung,

Decent advice - My tactic is to have learning blocks / working blocks 1-4h - every hour I get up to do 1 set of given day exercise, drink water, stretch a bit an go back - In my case break is around 2-3 mins every hour.

It helps me get trough task faster.

Daily walks in nature w/o noise or music - listening to surroundings or if I'm being honest with You thoughts inside and ordering them in right patterns.

Good stuff Adam

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That’s a serious level of discipline. Thanks for sharing.

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Great layout for this! And idk I think that timer does in fact have to be a tomato 🤔

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This technique will NOT work unless it’s a tomato. And a perfect one.

Jokes aside, thank you for the feedback.

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I liked the authentic self section, a reminder that it is important to be ourselves, being your true self means accepting all parts of you - good and bad. Thanks for sharing Adam.

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That’s a work in progress! Thank you for reading, Tinashe.

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deletedJul 8Liked by Adam PT
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I’ve been known to do that too. Thank goodness some people sussed it all out for us.

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