It's empowering to take responsibility for my future and so depressing to take full responsibility for my past. The truth is the key to my prison though so I need to keep hearing it. Very inspiring, thank you for this.

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Thank you for reading. The truth really is the key to our prison, and that’s an important realisation.

You weren’t the you who you are now when you made your past decisions. But here you are, wiser and stronger, going forward.

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Good stuff Adam. I was just reading Cicero's Stoic Paradoxes this morning, and what you say about freedom aligns with a few things he says in there.

Freedom, he says, is the power to live as you wish to live, and no one is free except for the wise person. Wisdom comes from rejecting excessive pleasures, restraining greed, etc—essentially making our own choices that will ultimately be good for us rather than being in service of some other "master."

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Well that’s some holiday reading for me.

Thank you for your feedback, Allan. Much appreciated.

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Choices immediately impact everything, everywhere. NNo matter how big the amperage of the energy of a choice is, it's still impactful.

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That’s it. It is up to us to point them in the right direction. Thank you for your feedback.

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Great post. This philosophy intersects quite a bit with existentialism!

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Yeah I’m inspired by quite a few of the greats. Thank you for reading, William.

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Great article. I loved your response to Rebecca, "You weren't the you who you are now when you made your past decisions."

That's a life lesson for every single person on the planet.

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Hi Larry. Thank you so kindly for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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Great stuff!! 🙌

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Hey thank you, Lori.

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I’m on my 8th year of sobriety and always here to support!!

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Awesome, Lori! Nice one.

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Read that straight away. So powerful Adam. Keep writing.

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Thank you, Katie

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Sep 19
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Hey thank you Mike. That particular quote was one I heard on my ‘travels’.

Thank you for your support.

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